Devoted Live Zoom Replay: Lesson 1 Isaiah 7:14

Prince of Peace Lesson 1 Extra study links:

PaRDeS - Four levels of Hebraic Study/Understanding

This is for your own curiosity. I don't know this people or ministry, but this is a simple explanation of the levels of understanding

Alyosha - The Lord is My Healer CD

This is the CD I mentioned with Hebrew and English healing Scriptures. I love listening to it - it's so powerful!!

You can buy the CD here:

MP3 Album - 

His new CD, Fear Not with Hebrew/English Scriptures, is also amazing!

One For Israel - Isaiah 7:14 Virgin Birth

A deeper look into the background of Isaiah 7 and the word almah in Hebrew.

I hope this lesson was a blessing to you! The replay will be soon uploaded to Teachable.

May your week be filled with His shalom, in the name of Yeshua, Sar Shalom - Jesus, the Prince of Peace.


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