2022 Charlotte Mason Inspired Conference
A 6-Day annual online event for Christian homeschool parents ready to introduce their children to a feast of ideas and encourage a life-long love of learning.
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Why the Charlotte Mason philosophy of education is a fantastic fit for so many…
- Charlotte Mason believed that children are able to deal with ideas and knowledge, that they are not blank slates or empty sacks to be filled with information.
- She thought children should do the work of dealing with ideas and knowledge, rather than the teacher acting as a middle man, dispensing filtered knowledge.
- A Charlotte Mason education includes first-hand exposure to great and noble ideas through books in each school subject, and through art, music and poetry.
Education is more than passing a test, training for a job, and getting into the right college.
You can learn how to incorporate Mason’s teachings in your home alongside real moms who have embraced the Charlotte Mason philosophy in their own homes.
Do you think Charlotte Mason could’ve envisioned the impact she would have on the children and families of today? It’s exciting to think about!
Topics covered in a series of workshops taught by veteran homeschool parents, following the Charlotte Mason philosophy of education include:
- Getting Started with the Charlotte Mason Philosophy
- Nature Study & Journaling
- Charlotte Mason Curriculum for All Ages
- Living Literature, writing and the Arts
- Habit Training & God’s Purpose for Our Homeschool
- Alisha & Olivia Gratehouse - Masterpiece Society
- Amber O'Neal Johnston - Heritage Mom
- Amy Bodkin - A Charlotte Mason Plenary
- Amy Fischer - Around the Thicket
- Ana Willis - They Call Me Blessed
- Andrew Pudewa - IEW
- Angela O'Dell - Authos/Speaker
- Art Middlekauff - Charlotte Mason Poetry
- Cherelle German - Embracing Homeschool
- Cindy West - Our Journey Westward
- Cori Dean - The Learning House
- Dachelle McVey - Literary Adventures for Kids
- Diana Waring - Author/Speaker
- Dollie Freeman - Charlotte Mason Mastery
- Ella Savchuk - School House Grace
- Erika Alicea - Charlotte Mason City Living
- Erin Cox - Life Abundantly + Gentle Classical Press
- Gabi Haberer - Author/Speaker
- Gena Mayo - Music In Our Homeschool
- Jeannie Fulbright - Apologia
- Jennifer Dowdy - Charlotte Mason Mama
- Jennifer Pepito - The Peaceful Press
- Julie H. Ross - A Gentle Feast
- Kathryn Gomes - Apologia
- Kay Chance - Homeschooling Today Magazine
- Kerry Beck - How To Homeschool My Child
- Leah Boden - Modern Miss Mason
- Leah Martin - My Little Robins
- Linda Lacour Hobar - The Mystery Of History
- Min Jung Hwang - Life-giving Motherhood
- Nikki Thomas and Emily Bell - The Schoolyard
- Rachel Lebowitz - A Charlotte Mason Plenary
- SarahRuth Owens - Kindle Togetherness
- Sonya Shafer - Simply Charlotte Mason
- Steve Demme - Math-U-See/Building Faith Families
- Suzanne Gose - Flip Flop Spanish
- Tatiana Rivera - Charlotte Mason Inspired

Meet The Hosts

Ana Willis
Ana Willis is a homeschool mom of 3 turned into homeschool blogger and speaker. She is a women’s pastor and passionate Bible and Hebrew teacher. Ana is the founder of The Homeschool Sisterhood, a Charlotte Mason inspired membership for homeschool moms who want to experience a restful, Christ-centered and living education.
Tatiana Rivera
Tatiana Rivera is a Charlotte Mason inspired homeschool mom, writer, speaker, entrepreneur, web & graphic designer, bibliophile and compulsive organizer. Tatiana has graduated four of her six homeschool children using the Charlotte Mason philosophy of education. She lives in California and coordinates a Charlotte Mason inspired co-op for 30+ families.

Who is this conference for?
This conference can change the way you see, approach, and manage your homeschool environment, and is a perfect fit for you if…
- You are a homeschool parent seeking a more open and wholesome way to help your child learn and grow with your educational style.
- You are new to homeschooling and interested in learning more about different methods to teaching your child.
- You have been interested in The Charlotte Mason method and would like to learn more with other parents using the method to create learning environments to draw out their child’s interests and strength.
Let’s recap!
Why you should purchase this recorded event:
- You will learn from 39 veteran homeschool parents, following the Charlotte Mason philosophy.
- You'll hear expert advice and an inside peek at what life is like for a Charlotte Mason family.
- You'll get 37 workshops geared towards building the best learning experience for your child so they can explore, grow, and thrive – building a strong foundation and a love of learning that will last for years to come.
Your purchase gives you lifetime access to the workshop replays through Teachable.
Join an exclusive community of homeschooling parents and experts on the same path as you so you can feel supported in your journey to give your child the best learning experience.
Subscribe to join the Charlotte Mason Inspired community and get early bird pricing on events and merchandise.